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What is Roller derby?

Roller derby is a full-contact sport played on quad skates. If you’ve never seen it before, you’d better just watch this:

The course

On this 12-week course, we’ll teach you skating skills, strategy and staying safe.

As well as coaching the physical aspect of roller skating, we’ll also help you to solidify your knowledge of the sport before you take to the track. No skating experience is necessary and all fitness levels are welcome.

2025 Course

The course will run from:

  • 05/04/2025, to
  • 12/07/2025

Times: 1000-1200

Where? Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre, Oxford.

Cost: £90(total), spread over £30 paid every 4 weeks of the course.

Am I what you’re looking for?

Skating prodigy to Fisher Price novice, we don’t mind if you’ve never so much as looked at a pair of roller skates. Our only ask is that you are 18 or over.

No kit? No problem

We can provide the kit you need for the course, but it is first-come, first-served. To borrow kit, you’ll need to pay an upfront £40 refundable deposit for the duration of the course. You will need to buy your own mouthguard though – who wants to share those?!

How will I know it’s for me?

We’ve changed the payment structure, so if after a month you do not feel it is working out for you, then that’s absolutely fine, you can leave without paying anything more. We want you to get a good experience of roller derby without being locked into something if you don’t enjoy it.

What do I need to bring?

A bottle of water, mouthguard (not required for the first few weeks but strongly advised), sports-appropriate clothing and a can-do attitude. Roller derby can be daunting if you’re new to contact sports, but we’ll take everything at your pace. There will be tonnes of friendly faces to help you out and our first concern is always giving you the right experience to play safe, fun roller derby.

Who the heck are ORD?

Oxford Roller Derby is Oxfordshire’s original roller derby league. First strapping on wheels in 2010, we’ve been playing, promoting and protecting the sport that we love ever since. Currently we have a fantastic community of volunteers, skaters and officials. From people wanting a kick-ass hobby to those playing in the Top 40 teams in Europe, ORD is about competition, teamwork and self-empowerment.

What’s in it for me?

Bucket-loads of fun, getting fit without noticing, new pals, learning that you are smarter, faster and stronger than you ever thought, getting a cool nickname and progress pic…the list is endless.

And after the course?

Once you’re safe and have all the skills to do so, you can also join Full League practice

Tim as a Jammer and Chloe as a Pivot stand back to back on track

Sign up

Please fill out the registration form, and we’ll be in touch to secure your spot.

I’m booked, what now?
Once you’re all signed up, we’ll send you some more info via email and set up a Whatsapp group so you can get to know your classmates.

But what about…?
Any other questions, feel free to drop us an email at

Categories: Get involved


Magda Auld · 30/09/2022 at 9:24 pm

When does the next course start please ? What age is it suitable for ?

Thank you

    admin · 16/11/2022 at 5:00 pm

    Hi Magda,

    We have just announced dates for taster days on 26/11/22, 26/11 and 03/12/22, plus a beginners course starting 07/01/23.

    Suitable for ages 18+

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